Stories of people like you!

Here is a smattering of stories, a sample of the many.  We’ve them organized by talent. Explore how some people have used their talents for the Lord and to make a difference overseas.  We share them with you to encourage you that YOU CAN do it! God looks for willing people to serve Him, not extraordinary people.


[Translate] Last winter, Joanna and Raquel organized a benefit for Hope for India incorporating music, art and DANCE.  The diversity of talents present was beautiful . It was representative of...


[Translate] Christy Ritchlin was studying graphic design at Salisbury University. She wanted to utilize her artistic talents for more than just creating beauty. She wanted to use her skills to create...


Lives were changed because of Linda and Gretchen's faithfulness to use what they had - cooking skills, chili, cornbread and hungry people - and find a way to glorify God in it. It helped feed some...


Not only was the retreat a way to show others how and why God can use us, but it was also a way to love the people who were interested in loving others. The retreat caused us all to draw closer to...


Charlie loves hockey, spend about two seconds talking to him and you will figure that out. Find out how he used his interest in hockey to help children across the world.


Tyler decided to use his talents in movie making to help. We set an internship up with him over the summer, gave him some footage to work with, and he put together a powerful mini documentary.


This church's littlest members got involved to help children their own age overseas - through prayers, offerings and exchanging letters and pictures.


[Translate] Jeremy Eshelman is a singer-song writer with a heart for God. His love for people shows clearly on his face and through his actions.  He’s been a prayer support for us from our early...