The Hynson Family Serving vulnerable children and refugees in Costa Rica
Frank and Brittany Hynson serve in Las Gradas, the most impoverished section of La Carpio slum – one of the largest slums in Central America. They serve refugees, children & families. To do this, they climb 125 stairsteps down a cliff-face where makeshift house line the stairs all the way to a dangerous river at the bottom. Education, mental wellness, meals, bible studies & care is given to the children.
They were both called by the Lord to Latin America as missionaries long before they met each other. Their combined experience covers Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Zambia, and Costa Rica.
Brittany previously served with CoLaborers International, working with homeless children in Zambia and as our International Internship Director. Frank was the Children’s Director at Hope Fellowship.
“Even when we met, we realized that God was joining us together so we could be partners on the mission field, and we have been steadily working toward this vision in our marriage ever since.”
Costa Rica is now their home as they answered the call to lifelong missionary service.
During their first year in Costa Rica, the Hynsons attended The Spanish Language Institute, during a global pandemic, no less! This school is specifically geared toward missionaries allowing them to reach fluency in Spanish, immerse in Costa Rican culture, and learn how to do ministry contextually.
In 2021, we began the process of opening a local nonprofit branch, CoLaboradores Internacionales, to come alongside local ministries serving at-risk children and Nicaraguan refugees in impoverished community settlements. We’ve been in Las Gradas since! Learn more here!
“We truly believe that the Lord has brought us together for such a time as this. To serve Him in this calling, and share His unconditional love to those who may not have ever experienced it. This journey has been in process for such a long time, and we are excited to ask you to join us in the next chapter of our lives through your prayers and your giving.”
Be a part of our ministry by supporting us monthly or with a special gift:
Make checks out to CoLaborers International with “HYNSONS” on the memo line. Mail to PO Box 959 Chestertown MD 21620. Send one time as special gift or send monthly as pledge giving.
Prayer points
Please pray for our family as we serve in a new language and new culture.
- Please pray for vibrant health physically, spiritually, and mentally as we serve.
- Please pray for God to connect us to the right local ministries that share our heart for His children and the forgotten.
- Pray for dynamic ministries aimed at reaching the youth, which comprise two-thirds of the nation’s population.
- Please pray for the safety and health of refugees from Nicaragua living in impoverished settlement areas.
Download our prayer card here.
Download pamphlet here.
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