Costa Rica

Click here to READ OUR 2024 YEAR IN REVIEW!  

We are serving Nicaraguan refugee families in La Carpio slum. Within this slum is Las Gradas, cliffside slum with a polluted river at the bottom. It is inaccessible by car and named for the 125 steps that are surrounded by makeshift homes.

It was formed in the 1990s on the outskirts of San José, surrounded by polluted rivers and a garbage dump. Today it occupies 155 acres and has about 52,000 inhabitants –  largely Nicaraguans who have fled turmoil in their home country. They live in extreme poverty but are working hard to make a life for their families. One of the largest concerns for the community is sexual abuse, which most children and their mothers have experienced in one form or another. Drug and alcohol abuse, gang activity, and prostitution are also common problems faced.

The families work in coffee farms across the river and carry their children across the dangerous river as they go to work each day.

Next to this river is Las Gradas Betel (CFCI-CR), where CoLaboradores Internacionales missionaries serve providing services to the women and children including basic education, emotional intelligence/ mental wellness groups, counseling services, food, hygiene, arts and crafts activities, and vocational training in sewing, “Sewing Hope” / Cosiendo Esperanzas”, to the parents. Products made by women can be purchased here. 

This locally-led effort was founded by Marielos, a Costa Rican therapist. She also runs “Living Waters” / “Agua Viva”. Staff members grew up in the community, once in the same place as these children. This is where hope lives and the rebirth of a community is happening.

For regular updates, please check out

You can serve by interning in your field of study or offering a training in your area of expertise to help this community. Your church may also do a short term service trip. You can also sponsor a child below.



More than 350,000 Nicaraguan refugees live in Costa Rica, which is 80% of the foreign population there.

Since 2018, Costa Rica has received over 77,000 refugee applications from Nicaraguans that were fleeing violence and persecution.

Few resources are available to shelter and provide food to new asylum seekers.

During 2020, 47% of Nicaraguans in Costa Rica were living in poverty. More than three-quarters of which could only eat only once a day.


Please give online here – one time or recurring:

Or, mail a check made out to “CoLaborers International” and write “Costa Rica” on the memo. Mail to PO Box 959 Chestertown MD 21620.



Living in an impoverished urban community, these children have no access to green space or even somewhere safe to play. This 4-day camp allows them to have a refreshing break from tumultuous home lives, in nature, to connect to the Lord and each other in a safe, spiritual environment. They will have a mixture of Bible lessons, arts & crafts, and recreation activities that all relate back to the theme of applying the Bibles to their lives.

Our 2024 theme was Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. That is exactly what it was, a beautiful respite for the children and youth. See our exciting pictures from Jan 2024 here! Thank you to Hope Fellowship for coming to be with us and for sponsoring 40 campers. Thank you to individual sponsors who sponsored 20 more campers!

Our 2025 theme verse is 1 Peter 5:7 “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you” / “Depositen en él toda ansiedad, porque él cuida de ustedes”. We are excited to welcome Hope Fellowship back for this special camp and grateful for their sponsorship of 30 campers. We are now seeking sponsors for our remaining 30 campers – see below to change a life!



Select $170 for admission & go bag, $130 admission only, OR $40 bag only. The go bag contains hygiene supplies, a blanket, footwear, towel, and bag for each camper as some campers would not be able to provide these needed items on their own.  UPDATE! ALL CAMPERS ARE NOW SPONSORED!!! THANK YOU FOR GIVING!  To give to general camp needs please us the general button above (scroll up).